There were rumors they used to show up as Seal Beach, but our friends from Huntington Beach (the next town to the south) hadn't seen any there. So we Googled where to see seals and it turns out Long Beach has some tour boats that claim to see seals and dolphins in the harbor. Now, the writer whom Dana loves isn't very fond of boating, so we thought to just drive out to the harbor and see what we can find.
So we walked a little farther along the Shoreline and were about to give up and find something for dinner when I heard a splash and Dana exclaimed "I just saw one!" and fumbled for the camera. However I didn't see it and we agreed previously that a wild animal sighting is not a confirmed sighting unless another person also witnesses it.
Sure enough, ol' Nessie popped her head up again and chomped on a fish! I grabbed the camera and went running closer and tried my best to get some pictures. She was very big and dark-skinned, and obviously very hungry because every time she popped her head up she was chomping on a fish. Next time we go there we'll have to bring some. I thought we should name her "Kitty" because of our findings in the earlier paragraphs, but Dana chose Nessie because she was so elusive to our camera, like the one in Loch Ness.
In this picture if you look closely you can see Nessie popping out of the water to eat a fish! It's kinda grainy because she was so far away I had to blow the picture up a lot. I know, it looks like a dog but it was a sea lion, really! It was a confirmed sighting.
She later said goodbye and went back out to sea.
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How cool! I would have told you to head to Redondo Beach. Walking along the shore there at night, I used to hear them, it was awesome. During the day from the pier, they go after your bait when the fisherman cast their lines...