Hello again blog-friends thought I'd write a quick post in case any of you were praying for Dana's 2:30 meeting with the doctors this afternoon. Well, you can pray a little longer, we aren't meeting until 4:00. The doctor called late last night (!), he wouldn't be back until after that time.
He also introduced another surgical choice, unilateral something or other, which will be explained to us more tonight. It seems that endonasal is less and less an option due to the sleep apnea. We will find out tonight what the data from Friday showed but we know enough that it's not a real safe option right now. So we are left with eyebrow incision, unilateral, and going home. The latter seems the most appealing physically but spiritually we are prepared to go through with this and find out whether the tumor is cancer or not. We can look back and see how the Lord has prepared the way for us to be here, and with tons of support from family and friends, it seems to be the right path.
Oops! The doctor's office just called, they want us there at 3:30 instead of 4 so I gotta finish this up real quick (it's 2:35) Too bad, we'll get there when we get there
Anyway the last few days have been a real blessing. The family of Maggie's penpal are really sweet people and we got to spend a lot of time with them, and I think more importantly the girls got to spend a couple days with some kids their own age and be kids for a while. Amazingly, Rachel also got an email from her penpal who is in Michigan the same day we were visiting Maggie's.
And speaking of penpals, Dana has an online friend from Seattle she's been corresponding with for several months who has had several surgeries to remove tumors like these. She has been very helpful ad encouraging to Dana, helping her see things from a patient's perspective. As it turns out...remember Dana's surgery was supposed to be 7am last Friday but they pushed it back to noon because of an emergency surgery? You'll never guess who's it was..... yes, you are a very smart reader! And (are you sitting comfortably?) she is staying at the same hotel as Dana's parents! We hope to meet up with them later. (Hoo-hoo)
As for Dr. Go, the more time we've had this weekend to let the emotions drain away into the Pacific, the more it appears the doctor we were so upset with last week may very well be the one that has saved her life. The whole team knew about and was concerned with the CPAP issue for a while but he raised the post-op concerns that really put a stop to what could have been very, very bad. He was not scheduled for Friday morning, so if Dana's surgery wasn't pushed back until noon then possibly no one would have noticed what Dr. Go did. Get the picture? Clearly the picture is bigger than all of us can see.
I forgot to mention the reason why Dana loves the ocean and water so much. The crashing waves never stop. It remind us of God's love for us. Never-ending.
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